How to find us

Stabilimento Testa Anfahrtsweg Albenga mit LKW

WARNING: Medium and Heavy Commercial vehicles GVW /G.C.W. over 3,5t ONLY

1. At the exit of the Highway Albenga, turn left and continue on SP582 towards Cisano/Garessio
2. After about 1 km, enter the roundabaout and, at the third exit follow the road to Alassio
3. Take the first exit: Bastia
4. Once on the SP453, turn right. direction Bastia
5. Proceed for 500m and, before the town entrance, turn right
6. Proceed for 50m and, arriving on the square, take the small road that runs along the river Arroscia

Proceed for 2km, reaching the destination immediately after the “Blue Lake” (Lago Azzurro)

44° 03’ 07’’ N
08° 09’ 34’’ E

Passenger cars and Light Commercial vehicles up to GVW 3,5t:

1. At the exit of the Highway Albenga, proceed straight and, at the roundabout, turn right over the bridge towards Bastia
2. Go through the town.
3. At the end of the town of Bastia, turn left and proceed for 50m, take the small road that runs along the river Arroscia

Proceed for 2km reaching the destination immediately after the “Blue Lake”(Lago Azzurro)

44° 03’ 07’’ N
08° 09’ 34’’ E

Passenger cars and vehicles


Coffein Compagnie Italy

Offices and Plant: Reg. Abissinia, Loc. Lago Azzurro, Fraz. Bastia, 17031 ALBENGA (SV) – Italy

Registered Office: Via Rovani 7, 20123 MILANO (MI) – Italy

Phone: +39 0182 21771